Avocados, otherwise known as an alligator pear, because of their shape and color, contain incredible amount of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. As well as being delicious to eat, avocados are used in many health and beauty products including hair conditioners, face creams and bath oils, to name but a few. Avocado are natural anti-aging fruits, it is an amazing treatment that helps reduce wrinkles. Not only you can apply mashed avocado flesh to your skin as a facial mask, but also, when you eat avocado, it will help fight aging process from within. For a healthy and glowing complexion, drink a cup of avocado juice a day and it will nourish and protect your skin from the inside out. The list of benefits of avocado for hair is quite long. As well as being a superb way to treat dry hair, avocados can also be used to treat a dry and itchy scalp. Bad breath often emanates, not from your mouth, but from your stomach. If you drink avocado juice, it will both cleanse your mouth and your intestine and help to remove the microbes that are the cause of bad breath. The healthy fats in avocados will moisturize your skin and reduce any inflammation. The oils of avocado are very closely matched to the natural oils in your skin, so it will nourish and help protect your skin from the rigors of the day too.