James Corden will give CBS audiences one more year of signature sketches like “Carpool Karaoke” before driving away from his late-night perch. The late-night comic, who has been at the helm of CBS’...
“The Batman” is getting a sequel, with Robert Pattinson set to return as Gotham’s fiercest defender. Warner Bros. revealed its plans for another Caped Crusader story during its Tuesday evening...
Universal and Illumination Entertainment’s upcoming adaptation of Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. video game series has been delayed to 2023. The Super Mario Bros. adaptation was originally set to...
Sono Sion, the self-proclaimed maverick Japanese film director known for raunchy indie movies including “Love Exposure” and “Antiporno,” has been accused of sexual harassment by several actresses in...
Cody Rhodes made his return to WWE on Saturday night at WrestleMania 38, coming back to the promotion that he famously exited nearly six years ago. In that time, Rhodes has wrestled all over the...
Will Smith, facing possible expulsion or suspension after he assaulted Chris Rock during last Sunday’s Oscars telecast, has instead resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences....
Bruce Willis’ family has announced the actor is retiring from the profession after being diagnosed with aphasia, a language disorder caused by brain damage that affects a person’s ability to...
The volunteer diving group Adventures With Purpose is known for cracking missing persons cold cases. It may have found the body of a man missing since 2003. A group of volunteer rescue divers known...
For many gardeners, a large property with rows of green peppers and sun-kissed tomatoes as far as the eye can see is just a dream. Many of us either don’t have much soil to call our own, have...