According to a new Canadian study, concussion triple adults at risk of suicide compared to the general population. Note that a concussion is a disturbance of the brain following a fall or a blow to the skull, assigning a temporary malfunction of the ascending reticular located deep in the brain.
The scientists concluded that the risk of suicide is even greater if the trauma occurs on the weekend, and men commit suicide twice as much as women.
Indeed, despite the symptoms disappear after a brain injury, it can cause permanent physiological changes and disturbances of serotonin. This is a hormone of the central nervous system plays a role in depression.
The researchers conducted their study in Ontario on 235,110 patients who suffered a concussion over twenty years. They compared concussions during the week and on weekends to distinguish injuries in sports and those experienced in the workplace.
“Patients who had their concussion during the week accounted for 519 suicides, triple the rest of the population. As for those who have had their shock weekend, the risk of ending their days was four times higher. ”
Hence the importance to consider the lasting effects of a concussion to save lives.