Panel (L-R): Jean-François Donzier, INBO; Junaid Ahmad, World Bank; Simon Sakibede, Secretary General, CICOS; Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary & Under-Secretary-General, UNECE; Kabiné Komara, High Commissioner, OMVS; Charafat Afilal, Minister of Water, Morocco; Victor Hugo Alcocer Yamanaka, National Water Commission (CONAGUA), Mexico; Du Guozhi, Director, Ministry of Water Resources, China; and Christine Gbédji Vyaho, Minister of Water, Benin.
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of Environment, Peru, underscored the importance of translating scientific knowledge into clear messages to enable more effective policy making and governance.
Ségolène Royal, Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France, announced the ‘Paris Pact on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Basins of Rivers, Lakes, and Aquifers,’ expressing France’s commitment to act on the principles of the Pact with concrete policies.
Jean-François Donzier, INBO, reiterated the importance of rapid action to address water-related climate impacts.
Charafat Afilal, Minister of Water, Morocco, said that most of Morocco is already experiencing temperature increases of 1ºC.
Christine Gbédji Vyaho, Minister of Water, Benin, explained her country was undertaking plans to regenerate damaged land.