THE Palaszczuk Government has announced it will put in place a Container Deposit Scheme to reduce pollution caused by drink cans and bottles.

An announcement today confirmed the recycling initiative will start in 2018.

Environment Minister Dr Steven Miles also revealed today that Queensland and New South Wales are looking to create a one scheme under a single administration.

“We want a seamless system that’s good for the environment and friendly for business. No one wants an outcome where the rules that apply to a bottle of soft drink sold at Tweed Heads, are different to the one you buy at the Gold Coast”, Dr Miles said.

“A single administrator could cover both states to deliver the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness.
“We will work closely with the Baird Liberal Government of NSW to deliver a CDS in both states.”

Dr Miles said there was considerable industry and community support for a container deposit scheme.

“A 2015 NewsPoll showed 86 per cent of Queenslanders wanted a container deposit scheme,” he said.

“South Australia has had a similar scheme since the 1970s, the Northern Territory introduced one in 2011 and New South Wales will introduce their scheme next year.

“We are looking at aligning our scheme with NSW, where people will be able to take empty drink containers to a collection depot, or place it in a reverse vending machine to receive a 10-cent refund.

“In NSW, most drinks sold in containers between 150ml and three litres will be included – with eligible containers to be clearly marked.

“Plain milk, pure juice and wine containers are not included in the scheme,” he said.

National Litter Index figures showing Queensland continues to be the most littered mainland state in Australia.

Recycling advocacy group, Boomerang Alliance’s Queensland Manager, Toby Hutcheon said: “In Queensland, we use over 2.4 billion bottles and cans every year. Most of these are wasted in landfill or littered.

“In South Australia, which has a CDS, over 80 per cent of bottles and cans are recycled.

“Container Deposit Schemes operate in over 40 jurisdictions around the world. CDS are proven to slash litter rates, dramatically increase recycling, create hundreds of jobs in collection and re-processing and provide a financial boost to community organisations.”

Dr Miles said the Government would be consulting in coming months and seeking feedback on the best way to implement the scheme to ensure it was “truly state-wide”.

“This is where community groups and other organisations can help and potentially get an enormous benefit out of the scheme. We want to talk to as many people as possible before the end of the year,” he said.


Source: QT

Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
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