The Regulation and Supervision Bureau (The Bureau) has issued a Self-Regulating Generation Licence to the Embassy of Italy in the UAE, in relation to the generation of electricity utilising solar photovoltaic (PV) installations mounted on roof-top and car shade of the Embassy’s premises in Abu Dhabi.

The installed capacity of the rooftop mounted solar PV system is 28 kWp, which will provide the embassy with an estimated annual electricity generation of 45.36 MWh.

Saif Al Qubaisi, Director General of the Bureau, said: “I welcome this initiative to commission a solar PV installation at the Embassy’s premises as part of its sustainable environmental initiative. This is fully aligned with one of the 25 goals of the recently launched Abu Dhabi Plan – to promote a sustainable environment and the optimal use of natural resources.”

The Italian Embassy is the very first embassy in Abu Dhabi to be powered by solar PV energy.

Liborio Stellino, the Ambassador of Italy, said: “I am very proud of such remarkable goal, achieved thanks to the extraordinary cooperation of RSB and the remarkable support of Enel Green Power, which is in line with the utmost attention paid by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to environmental sustainability. I am also very proud of this PV system becoming operational on the eve of Italy’s assuming in 2017 the Presidency of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) General Assembly. I am confident that this great initiative, realized in Abu Dhabi, will further strengthen the reputation of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its achievements and projects within the diplomatic and international community.”

Further, the Bureau had developed the first regulatory framework that allows for the grid-connection of solar PV systems in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

This framework comprises of licensing and technical connection requirements.

The Self-Regulating Licence framework is specifically designed to establish a light-touch regulatory regime, which ensures proper supervision without creating undue financial, technical or administrative burdens to participation. For solar PV systems connected to the Low Voltage Electrical Installation in building premises, the installation shall comply with the relevant standards and technical requirements listed in the Electricity Wiring Regulations (Third Edition) issued by the Bureau. The Regulation includes PV general principles and standards, protection requirements, isolation and switching requirements, labelling requirements, and inspection and testing.

It’s worth noting that over 30 projects of electricity generation via PV systems on roof-tops were implemented in Abu Dhabi with a total capacity of 3.846 KW in addition to the on-going projects.


Source: Emirates 247

Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
Egypt : Ahmad Al Droubi
Managing Editor : Bassam Al-Kantar

Administrative Director : Rayan Moukalled

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