You might have seen the following video on social media this week, if you were living in Lebanon, or anywhere else in the world. Kathy, Rozine’s daughter talks in Arabic about her mother’s urgent case, in the video.


The following caption explains a bit what it’s all about:

My mom, Rozine Moughalian, is a 56 year old psychologist and mother of two. She lives in Bourj Hammourd, an area that has been recently piled with garbage and darkened by black smoke from burning trash. In the last three months my mom developed subacute liver failure, which doctors were unable to diagnose and suspect possible drug or toxin exposure. The condition developed quite fast, and Rozine went from working three jobs two months ago to being hospitalized with a terminal condition today. She is currently in need of a liver transplant without delay (within the next two weeks).



Now, you have an idea about the urgent condition. Is there even more to it? Yes. We contacted Kathy to know more details on the case, and how it has developed to be “that dangerous”.


As soon as we spoke to her, Kathy told that “Access to healthcare” is perhaps one of the most important aspects to be highlighted in her mother’s case. “We, as Lebanese citizens, are not responsible of searching for a donor, or for suffering just to get appropriate healthcare,” she said.


Moughalian added that “it’s such a pity that only one hospital in Lebanon is authorized to do a liver transplant, but the two doctors responsible for this are abroad”.


Although Rozine has a health insurance, it was very difficult to enter any hospital. Added to that, her doctor allowed her to leave the hospital and go home, although she was in a very critical condition.



Visa to France

An online petition, was made asking people to sign and share it, requesting the General Consulate of France in Lebanon to promise Rozine a visa to France in order to secure her transplant fund, and to save her life.



This is what the petition mentions:

*** We are applying to the visa tomorrow. Please sign. *** Rozine Moughalian, is a 56 year-old psychologist and mother of two. She lives in Bourj Hammoud, an area that has been recently piled with garbage and darkened by black smoke from burning trash.


In the last three months, Rozine developed subacute liver failure, which doctors were unable to diagnose and suspect possible drug or toxin exposure. The condition developed quickly, and Rozine went from working three jobs two months ago to being hospitalized with a terminal condition today.


She is currently in need of a liver transplant without delay (within the coming 10 days max.). Why do we need you to sign this petition URGENTLY? Because we need a promise from the General Consulate of France in Lebanon, that as soon as we wire the amount to the hospital in France, we will get a visa on the same day to get Rozine to France. We are running out of time, and Rozine’s condition is deteriorating. She can no longer be transferred in a regular plane, she now needs an ambulance plane that costs 50,000 GBP. We need to act fast.


PLEASE sign the petition and share it for more people to sign it, requesting the General Consulate of France in Lebanon to promise Rozine a visa to France in order to secure her transplant fund, and to save her life.


You can also donate money on Zoomaal (link and details below), put Rozine’s daughter, Cathy Moughalian, in contact with any companies, parties or people who are willing to donate or help, or in contact with the French Consulate if you can!


Donate here:



Here is a direct message from Rozine’s daughter, Cathy Moughalian detailing the case:

“My mom, Rozine Moughalian, is a 56 year-old psychologist and mother of two. She lives in Bourj Hammoud, an area that has been recently piled with garbage and darkened by black smoke from burning trash. In the last three months, my mom developed subacute liver failure, which doctors were unable to diagnose and suspect possible drug or toxin exposure. The condition developed quickly, and mom went from working three jobs two months ago to being hospitalized with a terminal condition today. She is currently in need of a liver transplant without delay (within the next two weeks).


It is an extremely difficult process to find donors and secure funds in such a short period of time. So, due to bureaucratic procedures and time constraints, she can’t receive a liver transplant in Lebanon and it was recommended by doctors that she be transferred abroad for proper assessment and treatment. We are currently aiming for transferring her to Iran or India, these being the cheapest options. France was also an option earlier but it costs double what the surgery would cost in Iran or India.


Mom does not have the money for such a surgery, and she doesn’t have access to free quality healthcare. We need to raise at least 200,000 USD by the end of the month to be able to fund her surgery or it will be too late. I find it absurd that my mom won’t get to live out the month because we can’t afford the money or a donor. She has the right to access free medical care, she has the right to get appointments with doctors without wasta, and the right to be admitted into the hospital at the expense of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) without having to wait a day in the ER while we make the “right calls to the right people.”


In a country where our basic rights are not available, or only available to a select few, sticking together is more of a basic need than duty. If you feel you can donate, any amount will bring us closer to the goal of keeping my mom alive. I understand if you can’t donate, but please share this message with people who you think can help, either financially or by pointing us to people who have had a similar experience and can help with procedures and logistics. I urge you to gather your resources as I am gathering mine”.

Thank you for reading this.

In solidarity, Catherine Moughalian.

If you have means of helping other than donations please contact me: [email protected] 961 3 098 817




Awaiting the Cabinet’s Approval

Now, there is a different petition, being widely shared and signed, entitled:

Get the Ministers to Agree on funding Rozine’s Liver Transplant!

Please sign and share it.

The petition includes what Kathy told us in the phone interview: 

It is very easy to sign, and very important at the same time: You are saving someone’s life.



We tried to contact the Minister of Health Wael Abou Faour, to request clarifying the issue of the ministry’s funding for Rozine’s surgery, but there was no reply.


Kathy insists: “It it the Ministry of Health’s responsibility to fund such expensive medical cases”, adding “The Lebanese pay taxes but get nothing of appropriate health care or health insurance”.


“My mother’s fate depends on the decision on 24 people (ministers) who have never met her. Let’s wait and see what the outcome of the Cabinet’s session on Wednesday will be.” Kathy said. 


Link to the fundraiser event


Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
Egypt : Ahmad Al Droubi
Managing Editor : Bassam Al-Kantar

Administrative Director : Rayan Moukalled

Address: Lebanon, Beirut, Badaro, Sami El Solh | Al Snoubra Bldg., B.P. 113/6517 | Telefax : +961-01392444 - 01392555-01381664 | email: [email protected]

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