With an aim to reduce pollution level, the Indian regional pollution board has issued instructions to industries to plant adequate trees on the premises and proper maintenance after the plantation.

 The board has directed industries to plant trees like neem, banyan, peepal, blackberry, mango, guava and other medicinal plants that could effectively fight toxic air and lives for a longer period.
“We have issued letter to industries to plant trees on their campus. We would ensure that at least 26 per cent area is green in big industries while small industries should have sufficient green cover,” said pollution control board’s regional officer R K Gupta. The board is focusing mostly on the red category industries that generate high pollutants in the air during operation.
Minister for environment and animal husbandry, Antar Singh Arya in a program earlier this month directed the board to increase green cover in the industries to reduce pollution level.

Particulate matter 10 (PM 10) and 2.5 (PM 2.5), the main cause of air pollution, have been rising rapidly due to rise in toxic air from industries, vehicles and traffic congestion, data from regional pollution board revealed.

Source: India Times

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