A recent study has shown that a high percentage of the honey that we sell in supermarkets and other centers are altered, so that we would not enjoy its incredible properties.
The pure honey is one of the most nutritious and beneficial food there, but in reality may not be as good as we think
It is well known that honey have a lot of beneficial properties for our body, although, as with virtually all consumption should be moderate.
However, a recent study has shown that a high percentage of the honey that we sell in supermarkets and other centers are altered, so that we would not enjoy its incredible properties.
Pure honey is one of the most nutritious and beneficial food there, but in reality may not be as good as we think
That’s because 76% of the honey sold have been “ultra-filtered” to remove impurities and all the pollen, according to a study by Vaughn Bryant, a professor at Texas A & M University and one of the best specialists in palynology , a discipline that studies pollen and spores.
It is precisely these impurities that make the honey in a food good for us. The ultrafiltered honey lacks many vitamins, amino acids and minerals, and their antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
” I do not know any honey producer who wanted to do this. Remove all the pollen can only be achieved through an ultra filtration, a process that only costs money and reduces the quality of honey. In my view, these honeys were produced illegally and has taken away the pollen to not be able to trace their origin ,”said Mark Jensen, president of the American Association of Producers of Honey.
And since Asia they are being marketed ultra filtered honeys to hide its origin. This occurs after it was discovered that some of these honeys contain illegal antibiotics and were contaminated with heavy metals that could have serious health effects, and also to erase all evidence that would betray that were produced illegally.