The torture and killing of pets and wild animals are no longer mere transient incidents that can be tolerated and forgotten under any pretext. There is no justification for us by law, nor by ethical and religious norms to kill a creature, and when we become a community that doesn’t care to what it witnesses from such actions, it means we have lost our humanity.


As for those who say that they are living with brutal human massacres due to the war, and all we care about is the death of an animal, we answer that human values are indivisible and that all forms of violence kill us in clemency, and this develops into violence, which will sooner or later become a normal act in our daily relations at home, school and work, as well as the impact of violence on children because it will affect their lives with psychological disorders, and lead them to become aggressive towards their surroundings.


A shocking picture

It seems that we are living in chapters where the torture of pets and the pleasure of killing them are transient. There is no punishment and applicable laws, as if we will remain governed by chaos as long as all our previous pleas have gone unheeded, or as if we are practicing a media luxury as some like to describe the matter and these people have become few since we receive as a lot of complaints from various Lebanese regions, confirming that there are those who refuse the abuse of the organisms that live among us.


In this regard, we received a shocking picture, which was painful to everyone who saw it, accompanied by an appeal by citizens to to intervene and demand punishment for the perpetrators in their area who are well-known by the people of their town, also known by its municipal council. As we received from information, the violinist and murderer this time is raising pigeons and his hostility with cats is personal just because it attacks the pigeons he raises, and we have reached the name of the son of the violinist (A K K) from the town of Sohmor in the western Bekaa.


The first thing that comes to mind when we mention Sohmor is the video that we have shown for almost two months now of dogs eating a fox alive, however today no foxes nor dog, the crime here is between a cat and a human being. A cat whose head was separated from her body, her limbs were separated from her chest and abdomen. Her parts were placed and photographed by a human being; however, we don’t know for what reason? Is it to brag? Is it the thrill of killing a life? Or what?


The news and the picture were tough, but the shock was worse for us and bigger when we learned that the people who let the dogs brutally kill the fox that day and the people who cut the cat, are constantly cutting cats over and over, they are a bunch of friends, who with every crime they do, they group themselves and invite kids in the town to witness what they do in a room that they set to torture animals.


This photo reached the “Green Area International Association”, with the request to intervene and put an end to these crimes by notifying the people in charge of such actions, therefore we ask the relevant ministries to intervene quickly and to open an immediate and urgent investigation in the crimes committed repeatedly by the family K* in the town of Sohmor, to show that no one is above the authority of law, no matter who they were.


The head of the APAF Association in Lebanon, Suraya  Moawad, said that “these incidents have been repeated and there is no respect for the laws concerning  the preservation of the environment.”


She stressed that “practices against animals are inhumane,” pointing out that “the perpetrator or perpetrators are a danger to their community and their surroundings”, asking “who ensures that the person who is willing to kill a pet wont kill a human too?”


Deputy Chairman of the “Environmental Gathering Society” in the district of Rachaya Walid Saif Eddin, said to” I contacted some friends in Sohmor on the day of the fox incident to inquire about the matter. It turned out that this family is causing great problems in the town and it is constantly facing problems with the municipality, and I learned that they are constantly slaughtering cats “.

“They have tortured a group of dogs. I have filed a complaint to the municipality and a complaint to the environmental prosecutor. We have not been able to reach a conclusion due to political privacy in the region,” he said.


He called for “activating the environmental control in Lebanon with the inclusion of environmental crimes on the environmental justice record, and taking these crimes seriously because it is the best solution to reduce these abuses.”


Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
Egypt : Ahmad Al Droubi
Managing Editor : Bassam Al-Kantar

Administrative Director : Rayan Moukalled

Address: Lebanon, Beirut, Badaro, Sami El Solh | Al Snoubra Bldg., B.P. 113/6517 | Telefax : +961-01392444 - 01392555-01381664 | email: [email protected]

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