Environment Minister Tariq al-Khatib asked Northern District Attorney General Ghassan Bassil to sue a citizen who contravened the law of hunting and hunting outside the time allowed by the decision to open the fishing season.
The Minister of Environment based on the request of the prosecution to the image published on the social networking site showing Mr. Yousef Melhem presents a rare bird bird on the trunk of the car, and was based on Law No. 580 dated 4/3/2004 on the system of hunting in Lebanon, especially Article 8 which states On the craftsmanship “and also prevents the display of prey caught outside the cars and on public roads, and therefore what the citizen committed is a violation even during the opening season of fishing, so if fishing is forbidden.
It should be noted that pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Fishing “shall be punished by imprisonment for up to one month and a fine equivalent to five hundred thousand pounds or one of these penalties and the withdrawal of the fishing license from one to three years:
He practices off-season hunting or fishing times.
Hunting out hunters outside seasons and fishing times. ”
In accordance with Article 15, “The imprisonment and fine provided for in the preceding article or one of these two penalties shall be punished by the confiscation of the weapon used and the destruction of the equipment, materials and means prohibited by virtue of this law.