According to a new report, Singapore is on the cusp of the voice technology revolution. Nearly half of the population has tried voice technology services such as Apple’s Siri, Samsung’s S Voice and Google Assistant, and a quarter of them use such services monthly. With Amazon entering the market this year, the potential for further uptake is high as more advanced products and applications hit the market.

Talk to me

Voice technology has been with us for many years now – from automated voice recognition phone systems that failed to understand accents, to simple voice-to-text dictaphones that produced inaccurate copy – but the failings of these systems prevented widespread uptake.

However, advances in AI mean that the possibilities of a voice-activated world are finally becoming a reality, according to Speak Easy, a study conducted by J. Walter Thompson, Kantar and Mindshare.

Currently, the most popular uses of voice amongst Singaporeans are relatively basic – asking fun questions (32%), performing an online search (30%) and playing music (27%). However, the functionality is likely to increase rapidly once connected devices start appearing more frequently.

“Natural user interfaces like voice and gesture represent the evolution of technology. In the words of Mark Weiser, father of ubiquitous computing, we are entering an era of ‘calm technology’ where people can easily use technology without being taxed to learn it. Voice is intuitive, and with improved accuracy and machine learning, can now deliver a more seamless smarter experience,” says Ida Siow, Head of Planning, Singapore & SEA at J. Walter Thompson.

Finding a voice

“We set out to understand people’s expectations of voice and trends that would shape the future of the technology,” Ida explains. “We found that the majority of Singaporeans are very open to the prospect of voice – they want voice assistants that remember their preferences and anticipate their needs, a bit like a digital butler.” The research showed that 60% of Singaporeans are interested in having voice technology in their car, and 42% like the sound of a changing room with a voice assistant that could order new sizes and make recommendations.

“The opportunity is for businesses to find their own voice, and build greater utility and closer relationships with their customers in this voice-activated world. Whether it is ads that talk back to share detailed product information or banks using voice verification for services,” says Ida. “Our JWT China team is currently trialing a voice-activated personal concierge for a hotel chain.”

Leave the screen

“People are excited about the possibilities, but it’s up to brands to understand how they can provide something really meaningful through the medium of voice,” says Zoe Lawrence, APAC Director – Digital, Insights at Kantar. “Voice brings about a new era of liberation – a truly hands-free experience where we are released from the intense relationship we have with our screens. There are huge opportunities for brands that can play a role in that liberation – the auto brand that can advise on your route, or the food brand that can give recipe guidance while you’re moving about in the kitchen.”

Zoe continues “But as with any new technology, brands need to enter into the environment carefully. It’s such a personal space that any brand presence needs to feel completely appropriate and non-invasive. We saw that 66% of Singaporeans are concerned that companies will listen into their conversations. So anybody developing a service for voice needs to appreciate and address these concerns.”

Emotional attachment 

The study also suggested that people will become more emotionally attached to their assistants as advances in machine learning continue. “As people, we crave intimacy, and the ability to forge more personal connections through voice is very apparent,” says Ida Siow. “A third of regular voice users in Singapore have admitted to having a sexual fantasy about their voice assistant, which demonstrates just how easy it is to anthropomorphize this form of AI technology. It’s just easier to connect with voice.”

“In our research, when people voiced a question involving a brand name, their brain activity showed a significantly stronger emotional response compared to people typing that same question.” Ida continues. “There is no doubt that voice builds emotional affinity, and a resounding 72% of users wanted brands to have unique voices and personalities for their apps. The implication for brands is huge – it’s no longer just about right time, right message, right place – brands need to ensure they are developing the right voice too.”




Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
Egypt : Ahmad Al Droubi
Managing Editor : Bassam Al-Kantar

Administrative Director : Rayan Moukalled

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