Each new day, we have bad news about a natural area that is threatened to be destructed.
Enough haphazard construction which distorted the mountains, plains and valleys?
Enough irregular roads and highways?
It is not enough to have 700 random and landfill waste?
It is not enough to distort more than 30 million square meters of land, and Sandboxes for quarries and crushers?
Do we ask where the sewage water is wasted?
Is there a green corner in the town or city that does not turn into a building?
… Today we speak about the project that will deduct a large section of the Beirut grove to establish a sports stadium….
How would we describe what we’re doing?
Are we worthy people to have this land?
Is it permissible to official Lebanese state in the face of all these irregularities to do not stand up?
Where are the custodians of the nation’s lawmakers to protect the interests of the people?
Where the judges are to apply the laws to protect the most sacred rights of man?
Does the municipal council elected have the right to work only for building permits in an irregular way?