2000 participants are expected to join the largest forum for the scientific community to come together, and it will take place from 7th of July to the 10th of July prior to that of COP21 which is hosted by France in December 2015 (“Paris Climat 2015”). Building on the results of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5), this four-day conference will address key issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change. It will offer an opportunity to discuss solutions for both mitigation and adaptation issues. The Conference has four overarching objectives: – Provide an overview of state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on climate change, – Explore a wide range of pathways combining climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable development, – Assess the potential for evidence-based solutions to climate change challenges, – Contribute to a science-society dialogue. The Conference also aims to contribute to a science-society dialogue, notably thanks to specific sessions with stakeholders during the event and through nearly 80 accredited side events taking place all around the world from June 1st to July 15th.
The committee in its abstract book said they were encouraged by the huge amount of interest leading to more than 400 parallel sessions and 2200 abstracts submitted, eventually leading to the organization of 140 parallel sessions; as well as strong support was also received from many public French, European and international institutions and organizations, allowed them to invite 30 high profile keynote speakers and fund the participation of more than 120 young researchers from developing countries. The Conference will address key issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change. Organized around daily themes, the Conference focuses on moving from present knowledge to future solutions. The conference is organized under the umbrella of ICSU, Future Earth, UNESCO and major French research institutions, with the support of the French Government. where five of the parallel sessions will be organized by UNESCO on the following topics: – Education for sustainable development, – The science/policy/society nexus – Ocean & Climate, – Freshwater, and – Indigenous and traditional knowledge. An online blog with articles, stories and interviews are online will accompany the conference and we will in “green area” keep updating information received and most important topics covered.