Featuring footage of our home planet shot over 15 months, the documentary highlights the effects humanity has had on the globe over time. From the gradual depletion of the Colorado River Basin to...
In December 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 became the first humans to leave Earth orbit and head for the moon. They also became the first to look back at their home planet and see the entire world in...
On Thursday, China announced that they will launch the ‘core module’ of their upcoming space station around 2018 with completion of the station expected around 2022. Xi Jinping, the...
The mission to Mars program is the first by an Arab, Islamic country. The program will be fully financed and supervised by the UAE Space Agency and developed by Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre...
The region is far west of the hemisphere NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft viewed during close approach last summer. The upper image – in black and white – sports several dozen “haloed” craters. The...
Astronomers have found a monster black hole, some 17 billion times more massive than the sun, in a modestly sized galaxy, raising suspicions that supermassive black holes may be much more common...
A Dubai resident has claimed she saw a UFO in the skies over the UAE, sending social media into a frenzy. Dulanka Bandara, a 34-year-old Sri Lankan housewife, says she captured the image while...
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) are the result of electrons colliding with the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere. (Protons cause faint and...
Starlight contains a lot of information. By studying the electromagnetic spectrum of a star’s light, you can see what elements it contains. You can also deduce its age, mass, stability and spin. As...