Genetic diversity or genetic variation denotes for changes in the DNA, which is the carrier of the genetic information, when they accumulate over several generations of any population of living...
Genetically Modified Organisms (G.M.Os), as the name applies, are plants, animals or microorganisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been altered through the technology of “Genetic...
Although the geography of the Milky Way is still little known, astronomers estimate that this extends along between 120,000 and 180,000 light years, around the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A...
The Health Protection Agency in Britain, found in a study conducted in 2007 that “the radiation of microwaves in the frequency range of WiFi cause behavioral changes, altered cognitive...
“Indeed, the fact that the mammary glands do not develop in men as in women the effect of hormones, testosterone in particular, does not exempt the male cancer in breasts,” says Dr....
Culture and art usually contribute, together, in building better communities, for they are a way of implementing development. This also goes in line with a better environment to live in, since it...
It is heartwarming to see hundreds of university students gathering to show skills they have learnt through a program their university chose to adopt, for more empowered, tolerant youth. This took...
Animals in Lebanon are suffering a lot, due to severe unawareness among a large number of people. Recently, many cats and dogs have died due to a deadly poison being placed in various places in the...
Hearing stories about rescued animals put a smile on our face, and once we know that some people dedicate much of their time for that cause, it gives us more hope of making the world a better place...