A common drug used to kill tapeworm prevented the Zika virus from replicating in lab experiments, scientists said Monday. The medicine, Nicolsamide, was previously shown to be safe for pregnant...
Stress manifests itself in our lives in a variety of ways, from financial concerns to health concerns, and leaves us irritable and grumpy. Over time, high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone),...
US children eat three times as much added sugar as they should, a leading US health group said Monday, calling for stricter limits on sugar for kids. Babies and tots under two should eat no added...
Russia’s N.F. Gamalei Epidemiology and Microbiology Research Institute has launched clinical trials of anti-Ebola vaccines that will necessitate 4.8 million rubles (about $75,000), the official...
Two new studies published this week have provided yet more evidence to suggest that staying active as we age, through working or volunteering, can promote both physical and mental health and...
Truck drivers and social service workers have something in common: The people who work in these two occupations are the least likely to be heart healthy, according to a new report from the Centers...
Stress and anxiety are making day to day life difficult for hundreds of thousands of students The extent of mental health problems in UK universities has been laid bare in a new YouGov survey of...
The daily dose of activity needed to lower the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease by at least 20 percent is several times the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization,...
The first asthma drug in 20 years designed to reduce the severity of the condition has been hailed as a “game-changer” by experts in the United Kingdom. Researchers from the University...