Exactly a year ago and in this day, a team of members from associations in the Lebanese environmental movement started working on the Janneh Dam, so we contacted the Ministry of Environment, requesting access to the study of the environmental impact, and the response was that it does not exist in the ministry, which led the Minister of Environment to send a message to the Ministry of Energy, asking to stop the works…
Although we have submitted several claims to save this historic and unique international site, but the works are still ongoing, so is the destruction…
What is this oppression in Lebanon?
What is this mess?
Why is this carelessness towards the law, regarding the Lebanese’ treasure?
Where are the legislators?
Where are the parties who defend freedom, sovereignty and independence?
Where are the security forces?
Lebanon is God’s paradise on earth.
It is true that Lebanon is a paradise, but who protects it?
Today we call those responsible for building of the Janneh dam to review their conscience, and listen to the opinions and studies of all local and foreign experts and to avoid the destruction of the “Adonis Paradise,” the symbol of the resurrection of conscience and thought, and to think of alternative solutions which are put forward to secure water for Byblos and Beirut.