Ecology is the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and their environment. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology, geography, and Earth science. In this article, we are going to tackle ecology in Morocco; the city that will hold the COP22.


The 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC is scheduled to take place from 7-18 November 2016. During COP 22, parties will, begin preparations for entry into force of the Paris Agreement.

Perhaps, we realize a bit how ecology is like in that country, by reading the Moroccan King’s letter to the Medcop Climate 2016. King Mohammed VI sent a message to the participants in the second Conference of Parties of the countries bordering the Mediterranean on Climate Change (MedCOP Climate 2016), which kicked off on Monday.

The king said through his letter: “It gives me great pleasure to send this message to the participants in the second Conference of Parties of the countries bordering the Mediterranean on Climate Change – MedCOP Climate 2016 – who are meeting today, here in Tangier where, in 2015. Francois Hollande and I called for resolute, solidarity-based climate action”.

He added: “Last year, for the first time, representatives from civil society, the business community, local authorities and governments of Mediterranean states met in Marseille to underscore their collective commitment to combat climate change and prepare a common position for COP21. This second conference confirms the relevance of this novel forum and attests to the key role it can play”.

He said said: “As Mediterraneans, we have not only socio-economic and geopolitical challenges in common, but also environmental ones, due to the vulnerability of our territories,” adding “This has been confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Mediterranean is probably going to be one of the regions most impacted by global warming in the world. It will affect natural resources as well as major sectors of economic activity, such as agriculture, the fisheries, tourism, industry, energy production, etc”.

In order to read the full message on All Africa, click here.

An Ecological Kingdom

One of the ways Morocco was getting ready for the COP22, is by showing  how keen it is on its environment, climate change, and citizens. The Moroccan government precipitately decided on the 1st of July to outlaw the very popular, useful but yet noxious plastic bags, MoroccoWorldNews mentioned.

The official campaign handled by a shadowy NGO, with too an official name: “Coalition Marocaine pour la Justice Climatique” and of which nobody has ever heard before.


Biggest Solar Power Plant in the World

Noor Power Station is a solar power complex located in the Souss-Massa-Drâa area in Morocco, 10 km from Ouarzazate town, in Ghessat rural council area. The entire Solar Project is planned to produce 580 MW at peak when finished and is being built in three phases and in four parts. Total project expected to cost $9 billion.


Tree Climbing Goats of Morocco

The picture you see above reveals climbing goats of Morocco. In an article in AtlasObscura, it was mentioned that “The Argania tree is not the most aesthetically pleasing plant in the world with a rough, thorny bark and gangly, crooked branches, but the Moroccan arbor still tends to attract admirers thanks in large part to the hordes of goats that can usually be found perching in them”.





Publisher: Lebanese Company for Information & Studies

Editor in chief: Hassan Moukalled

Lebanon : Dr. Zaynab Moukalled Noureddine, Dr. Naji Kodeih
Syria : Joseph el Helou, Asaad el kheir, Mazen el Makdesi
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