The meeting was attended by Minister of Environment Tariq Al-Khatib and Minister of Environment Tariq Al-Khatib during a dinner held at his honor at the Sea Hill Restaurant in Saadiyat. The meeting was attended by Minister Al-Khatib, MP Mohammad Al-Hajjar, Brigadier General Moeen Shehadeh, In the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) Muhammad Qaddah, the political official Omar Siraj and the member of the General Office Ahmad Osman, the Coordinator of the Future of Mount Lebanon in the Future Movement Walid Sarhal, the head of the Popular Aid in Lebanon Ramzi Awad, the President of the Union of Municipalities of Southern Kharoub Province George Makhoul, Habnajr and Mohamed Mansour, the general coordinator of the consultative meeting in the province of Kharoub Mohammed Sobhi Abdullah, the heads of municipalities and members of the meeting.
Marwan al-Bustani said: “To honor the national meeting in the province of Kharoub, the son of the province of Kharoub is normal and that the person of the honorable Minister Tariq al-Khatib, with the advantages, it is necessary It is true that celebrations of honor became a kind of folklore, but if The person deserves to be honored. This becomes binding and we have strong ties and a strong friendship with him and with his family. ”
“He was a man of moderation and believes in dialogue and a bridge to meet,” he said.
“Life is derived from death. If death were not there, there would be no value to life,” he said.
“We know that the Minister of the Environment in Lebanon and in light of the crisis of factories, landfills, ambitions and corporate mafia are like those sitting over the fence, whenever there is a movement there, but we know that Tariq Khatib is morally immune. “He expressed sorrow that we in Lebanon face the control of sectarian and sectarian nepotism on the political tracks,” adding that “the national meeting in the province of Kharroub is an elite social political forum that interacts with the aspirations of the people of the national, developmental and environmental.”
In conclusion, Minister Al-Khatib expressed his deep regret for the departure of Roger Al-Jawish, “the dear friend”, saying that “there is a difficulty in getting out of mourning for the loss of Al-Jawish, which he had been in daily contact with for many years.” He said: “Roger represents a large part of my life. He is a man of great morals, values, morals, morals and great humanity. I have been in an unnatural position ever since I died. On the night of his death, we stayed together until midnight, as if he loved to bid us farewell. As a patient, we have been communicating daily several times, but in the end this is fate, we ask God to inspire us patience and strength to get out of this deep grief. ”
He added: “I owe you a lot of love, and we are not strangers to each other. Before the ministry, we were in constant contact, which brings together the relations of friendship, closeness and fellowship, and brings together the common concern and the relentless search for solutions to the problems of our region. In the various fields of scientific, literary and professional, how not all of us belong to this region, which is across the history of the most important streams of the Lebanese state, all of which distinguished some of his sons in the world of economy and finance and record for each other to raise them to the ranks of invention, such as the late Dr. Ali al-Aacom from the town of Basaba.
He said: “This feature that characterized the people of the region complemented with another advantage manifested in the clinging to the sons of the region values of ethics, which highlighted social solidarity, formed a league working for the public good, one of them a jacket for the other where the storms of the storms and one of them fear the humiliation of each deputy, A vision that does not know selfishness. ”
He added: “This generous gesture towards me carries a greater responsibility towards our beloved region and motivates me to strive constantly with you to try to solve all the problems it suffers, especially the problems of the environment, most notably the problem of waste. Prior to my appointment as Minister of Environment, the problem of waste was one of the most serious problems encountered during the period of my work in the municipality. We adopted in Hassrout the solution that was adopted in many towns. It was the collection of wastes that became dangerous random dumps. After I took over the ministry, I worked with those who wanted to work with me. A general solution to the region, but I have so far admitted that I have only succeeded in part because the Union of Municipalities of the southern province of Kharoub has decided to set up a sorting and processing plant on the ground provided by the municipality of John thanks to the late Roger Al-Jawish and the forces of John so we have started to walk on The final solution to the problem of waste in the towns of the southern region, and I put great hopes on colleagues and heads of municipalities of the northern province of Kharob to adopt this solution before the burden of the region on the general solution to the waste problem.
He concluded: “Thank you for this generous gesture and ask God to grant me the ability and to provide us all with the ability to consolidate the foundations of cooperation between us and work together as a team on developmental files to promote the advancement of our beloved region and lift its name from the list of disadvantaged areas. The effectiveness of the activities of the region, and wished the national meeting the success of his work aimed at achieving good for the region and raised it.
After that, Habnajr presented to Minister Khatib a shield of love and appreciation.