Under the patronage of Minister of Environment Tariq Khatib, represented by his advisor Jack Khalil and the presence of Abbott Daoud Al Raidi, representative of the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros Raya, Elie Hasbani, represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Ghassan Hasbani, Nicola Deputy Minister of State for Anti-Corruption Affairs Nicola Tueini, Nadine Yousef Representative of Information Minister Melhem Riachi, Brigadier General Roumat Jabbour Representative of Army Commander General Joseph Aoun, Lieutenant Colonel Marwan Safi Representing the Director General of the State Security Service Major General Tony Saliba, Nahra, the representative of the Lebanese Army Intelligence Brigadier General Antoine Mansour, Maj. Luis Rouhana, Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, Director General of the Ministry of Environment Hatjian Tower, Khoury Constantine Nassar, Representative of Beirut Metropolis and its attendants of the Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Odeh, Maurice Sa’ada, FAO Representative in Lebanon, Mayor of Al-Jadida Antoine Jabbara, Director of the Agricultural Scientific Research Department Michel Afram, Members of the Maronite Association, the Maronite General Council, the Konovin Association for Mission and Heritage, the President of the Symposium Antoine Bakhzai and the members of its Board of Directors George Abu Joudeh, Nazih Shalala, Llanos, Nabil Bu Issa, Michel’s mind and Kamal Palm and interested.
“With the blessing and support of His Excellency President Michel Aoun, we hold our annual environmental celebration with a pioneering vision that the environment has occupied an elegant and dignified place in the speech of the famous department, because of its great benefits for the benefit and well-being of the human being,” he said.
“The environment is a continuous message and movement, not a transient entity, a message and a secret that permeates our daily lives, the environment in which we grow up and go free of our spiritual well-being and happiness,” he said. “It is recognized that culture and civilization play an important role in human life. The environment, where man is in them and in them, no matter how fluctuating circumstances and attitudes and views changed in terms of material gains that would sometimes, if not often, lead to pollution, and feed its sources that multiply in a deadly terrible way.
“The time has come to give the environment intensive attention to preserve our existence, and I have been repeating and repeating for some time that we have created ourselves in the cycle of collapse, and if we continue this approach of unconsciousness we will inevitably fall into danger of collapse. the vicious circle and destructive. ”
He reiterated his claim “re the powers of municipalities to the Ministry of Environment, and the adoption of environmental patent disclosure.”
Former Minister Adel Qurtas spoke about the “environmental safety of agriculture” and addressing the environmental degradation caused by improper methods and methods of agriculture. He stressed “the seriousness of the use of waste water in the irrigation of crops, as well as the use of agricultural medicines at random, “And called for” to change the mentality, which is the riverbeds dumps of waste and landfills and dead animals, “calling for” the implementation of regulations relating to the protection of water wealth, and the protection of animals and birds beneficial to agriculture and the regulation of irrigation and the import of agricultural fertilizers. ”
The Minister of Energy and Water, Fadi Qamir, presented the presentation of water problems in Lebanon, the reality of irrigation networks, agricultural lands and the causes of pollution affecting water, notably the lack of strict enforcement of laws, and the role of the Ministry of Energy in guiding, and employment in the main employers influential sound service environment. ”
After that, the expert in aviator Ghassan al-Jaradi presented a documentary about bird and biological diversity, and reviewed birds of all types and roles in the achievement of biological balance and environmental protection, calling for “the organization of fishing because of the lack of several security elements to control fishing on all Lebanese territory, And that the gradual banning of lead-fired keratos and its gradual replacement with heavy metal-free keratos should be made. ”
“There are two sources of food contamination: natural and human, food is contaminated in the natural environment by the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture, airborne pollutants that may reach the plant directly or through Rain and soil, and irrigation water contaminated with various chemical and bacterial contaminants, pollution to the soil and plant, and the person is a source of contamination of food when dealing with them, especially if the deal with those food carriers of germs or diseases Russian or other. ”
This was followed by a presentation of environmental activities provided by the Ain Najm school for the Jesuit nuns under the supervision of the environmental sector supervisor, Alia Haddad, where the students presented the importance of these activities and the instructional educational role aimed at educating the students.
In conclusion, Khalil addressed Khatib and addressed the current environmental concerns and the plan of action to address these problems “from the speech of the oath to President Michel Aoun, who gave the environment an important part of his department, and continues to follow the various affairs.”
He called on “the cooperation of all sectors of society in order to achieve an environmental rescue plan and confront the diverse pollution that is taking place, which is distorting the image of Lebanon and harming its people.” He stressed that “the ministry stands by environmental bodies in their efforts and efforts, .
Mr. Afif Fayyad also delivered an environmental poem and presented shields to a group of environmental activists. The symposium was distributed on the sidelines of the celebration of its illustrated environmental magazine,special Purpose Nutrients.