The King Cobra is the largest of all venomous snakes. It’s part of the reason behind its name. It can reach a total length of 18 feet. This kind of snakes is not a part of the cobra family. It is actually the only known member of his own family of snakes. It looks a bit like a cobra at first, however, saying “King Cobra” is much easier than saying “King Ophiophagus Hannah. This snake is very strong, a lot of stories were known about its strength. The crippling effects on humans can cause a life threatening situation in as little as 30 minutes. There are even stories of a King Cobra killing an elephant with a bite within hours. The King Cobras are one species, but they come in many colors. They have evolved the ability to shape their coloration to the environment they call home. Since their habitats can range from China’s grasslands in the swamps of Southeast Asia and they can live in trees, marshes, or just about anywhere where there is an open spot of dirt, which can make them very difficult to find. Therefore keep your eyes up and eyes down while you walk next to a known habitat of theirs is important.